Name tags

Say goodbye to lost belongings

Good value for money

High quality and durable

Name tags
115 pcs of name tags in different sizes
Mixed package with different sizes. Perfect for small and big things that you need to label.

36 small tags (15 x 6,5 mm)
67 medium tags (30 x 13 mm)
12 large tags (60 x 26 mm)
Design here
99.00 kr
Name tags
128 pcs, 30 x 13 mm
One sheet consists of 128 pcs of name tags with dimensions 30 x 13 mm.
Perfect for labelling shoes, clothes, toys, tools, phone chargers, lunch boxes, water bottles, baby bottles, pacifiers, backpacks and much more.
Design here
Different designs and colors

When you design your children’s name tags, you can choose from several colors and cute designs.

Stick on various material

You can use the name tags on different types of material. Stick them on to your children’s shoes, clothes, sippy cups and so much more.